Being Called Up the Mountain with Jesus

Being Called Up the Mountain with Jesus

Reflect, today, upon the invitation Jesus offers you to follow Him up the mountain of prayer. Respond to that invitation so that you can then be sent forth by Him to fulfill His divine command of love.

Trusting in the Authority of the Church

Trusting in the Authority of the Church

Reflect, today, upon how completely you trust our Church. Sure, our Church is filled with sinners; we are all sinners. But our Church is also filled with the fullness of the truth

Freedom From the Confusion of Sin

Freedom From the Confusion of Sin

Reflect, today, upon this most unfortunate scene. But reflect upon it with the hope that the poor example of the Pharisees will help you to identify any of the same tendencies in your own heart. Seeing these tendencies they struggle with should help free you from falling into the irrational thinking that comes as a result of sin.

The Lord’s Day is For You!

The Lord’s Day is For You!

Reflect, today, upon the way you celebrate the Lord’s Day. Do you see the call to worship and rest as an invitation from God to be renewed and refreshed by His grace? Or do you see it only as a duty that has to be fulfilled. Try to take on the right attitude, this day, and the Lord’s Day will take on a whole new meaning for you.

Words of Wisdom From our Blessed Mother

Words of Wisdom From our Blessed Mother

Reflect, today, upon this twofold invitation spoken by our Blessed Mother. Reflect upon how ready you are to listen to God’s will and how ready you are to do His will

With Whom Do You Associate?

With Whom Do You Associate?

Reflect, today, upon the person in your life that you may feel like shunning. Why is that? Who is it that you may not want to be seen with or who you may not readily want to associate with? It may be the case that this person, more than any other, is the person that Jesus wants you to spend time with.

The Draw of Jesus

The Draw of Jesus

Reflect, today, upon what may be termed “the silence of God.” There may be times in your life when God seems to be distant and is nowhere to be found. When this happens, you should realize that this is a way for God to call you even closer to Himself.

It’s About Conversion, Not Popularity

It’s About Conversion, Not Popularity

The “popular Jesus” is not always the “real Jesus.” In other words, the authentic Gospel message is not normally that which our popular culture will hold up as exciting.

The Purpose of Jesus’ Mission

The Purpose of Jesus’ Mission

Reflect, today, upon the fact that Jesus desires to “travel” to the village of your mind and heart. He wants to seek you out and bring not only His words of eternal life, but also His very self. Let yourself be ministered to by Jesus and allow Him to speak to you with clarity and truth.

Jesus’ Authority is Clear

Jesus’ Authority is Clear

Reflect, today, upon this image of Jesus teaching in the synagogue. Know that the “synagogue” represents your own soul and that Jesus desires to be there speaking to you with authority. Let His words sink in and change your life.