Jesus’ Authority is Clear

Jesus’ Authority is Clear

Reflect, today, upon this image of Jesus teaching in the synagogue. Know that the “synagogue” represents your own soul and that Jesus desires to be there speaking to you with authority. Let His words sink in and change your life.

The Life of Ordinary?

The Life of Ordinary?

Reflect, today, upon the fact that you, too, have been called to an extraordinary life of grace which requires total abandonment and commitment. You have been called to respond immediately and freely to Jesus’ invitation. As you begin this liturgical season of Ordinary Time, jump into the extraordinary life of grace and embrace it with your whole heart.

“With You I Am Well Pleased”

“With You I Am Well Pleased”

Turn your eyes to Jesus and prepare yourself to follow Him and to heed every word He speaks. He was sent into this world to draw us to the Father, allow Him to fulfill that mission in your own life.

The Guiding Principle of Your Life

The Guiding Principle of Your Life

Reflect, today, upon this beautiful statement of St. John the Baptist. Make it a prayer and say it over and over. Let it become the guiding principle of your life.

Lord, You must increase and I must decrease. Please come and take complete possession of my soul. Transform my mind and heart, guide my will, emotions and desires. And allow me to become a holy instrument of Your divine life. Jesus, I trust in You.

Falling Prostrate Before Jesus

Falling Prostrate Before Jesus

Lord, if You wish, You can make me clean. If You wish, You can heal me, forgive me, strengthen me and love me. I thank You in advance because I know that You do desire and choose to bless me in these and in every other way that I need. Thank You for Your mercy and grace and thank You for accepting me in my weakness. I love You, my Lord, and I do choose to fall down prostrate before You in love and adoration. Jesus, I trust in You.

The Prophetic Role of Christ

The Prophetic Role of Christ

As we continue the final week of our Christmas season, reflect, today, upon the fact that the little Child we honor at Christmas has grown up and now speaks words of truth to us. Reflect upon whether or not you are willing to honor Him not only as an infant, but also as the Prophet of all Truth. Are you willing to listen to His whole message and receive Him with joy? Are you willing to allow His words of Truth to penetrate your heart and transform your life?

Reflecting on the Experience of Grace

Reflecting on the Experience of Grace

Reflect, today, upon the presence of God in your life. How has God spoken to you, helped you and been there in your time of need. It’s easy to quickly forget what God does. The goal is to hold on to all that He has done and allow that activity to continue ministering to our hearts. Ponder, this day, His workings of the past so that those acts of love by God may continue to bear fruit in your life today.

Trusting Jesus in All Things

Trusting Jesus in All Things

Daily Reading for Tuesday January 4, 2022 Reading 1, 1 John 4:7-10 Responsorial Psalm, Psalms 72:1-2, 3-4, 7-8 Gospel, Mark 6:34-44 Reading 1, 1 John 4:7-10 7 My dear friends, let us love one another, since love is from God and everyone who loves is a child of God and knows God. 8 Whoever fails...

Seeking Out the Needy

Seeking Out the Needy

Daily Reading for Monday January 3, 2022 Reading 1, 1 John 3:22-4:6 Responsorial Psalm, Psalms 2:7bc-8, 10-12a Gospel, Matthew 4:12-17, 23-25 Reading 1, 1 John 3:22-4:6 22 and whatever we ask we shall receive from him, because we keep his commandments and do what is acceptable to him. 23 His commandment is this, that we...